Numbers of still images (Estimation)
* Number of images shot with a resolution of 2MP.
Time length of shooting video
* Time of recording with a resolution of 640
Mobile phone: GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/
1800/1900 & UMTS/HSPA B1/5/6/19 & LTE B1
This model SO-04D mobile phone complies
with Japanese technical regulations and
international guidelines regarding exposure
to radio waves.
This mobile phone was designed in
observance of Japanese technical regulations
regarding exposure to radio waves
limits to exposure to radio waves
recommended by a set of equivalent
international guidelines. This set of
international guidelines was set out by the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is in
collaboration with the World Health
Organization (WHO), and the permissible
limits include a substantial safety margin
designed to assure the safety of all persons,
regardless of age and health condition.
The technical regulations and international
guidelines set out limits for radio waves as
Savable number of
shot images to the
internal storage
Up to approx. 16000 images
Savable number of
shot images to a
microSD card (1GB)
Up to approx. 1600 images
Savable time of
recording to the
internal storage
Per video : Up to approx. 268 min.
In total : Up to approx. 714 min.
Savable time of
recording to a
microSD card
Per video : Up to approx. 67 min.
In total : Up to approx. 67 min.
Specific Absorption Rate of
Mobile Phone, etc.
Specific Absorption Rate of
Mobile Phone
Summary of Contents for Xperia GX SO-04D
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