Extended VTR 229, 372
External device 226
Key border 175
Edge fill
attributes 240, 264
duration 241, 259
editing 241
executing 245, 260
keyframes 22
register editing 264
resizer 98
saving 240, 261
status 264
time settings 241, 258
Emboss 80
Engineering setup 313
Enter button 47, 48
Error messages 434
Error Information menu message
error status/log 434
Message box 436
Events 281
Explosion 200
files 309
source and destination names 332
Fader lever operation 356 Fade-to-
black 77, 356
autoload function 304, 311
batch copying 309
batch loading 309
batch saving 308
copying 306
copying between different unit IDs
deleting 141, 307
frame memory 141
importing and exporting
Flex Shadow 178
Flexi Pad 17, 40
assigning functions 328
DME wipe patterns 123
effects 260
key adjustment 92
keyframe 250
macros 283
master timeline 262
shotbox 279
snapshot 268
wipe patterns 108
Flip-flop mode 73
Flying bars 195
Format converter
conversion 349
output 353
setting 314
Frame memory
clip function 135
clip operation 135
extracting images 144
folders 138
menus 127
overview 126
pair files 141
still image operation 127
creating 138
playback 136
recalling 136
Frame memory folder 307
Freeze 190
Function button area 45
Functions assignable to trackball and
Global coordinate space 158
Global effect operations 219
Glow 188
GPI devices 228
GPI input
GPI Input Assign menu 366
GPI output
Image data
backing up and restoring 143
deleting 141
extracting 144
moving 141
pair file 141
renaming 142
still image operations 127
Independent key transition
combining with transitions 74
control block 34
DME wipes 119
execution section 36
operation 74
setting the transition rate 76
type selection buttons 37
wipe 105
wipe modifier 106
Independent key transition / key
Initial Status Define, data saved by
Initialize menu 317
Input Config menu 366
Input display 47, 48
Input menu 347
Install/Unit Config menu 317
Installation 317
Interpolation 217
Invert 216
Item display 47, 48
Kaleidoscope 198
Key active 85, 86
Key adjustments