Table of Contents
Setting Automatic Loading of Register
Data at Power On (Autoload
Function). ......................................... 317
Reset and Initialization ........................... 317
Setting the Control Panel Type ............. 317
Installation and Device Setup ................ 317
Installing Software .................................... 318
Configuring the Software for Use ............. 318
Adding User Texture Patterns ................... 319
Saving a Frame Memory Clip with
Ancillary Data .................................. 321
Setting the Number of Format Converter
Input/Outputs ................................... 322
System Maintenance .............................. 322
Setting the Date and Time ......................... 322
Using Removable Disks ............................ 322
Carrying Out the Primary Setting .............. 322
Formatting a Local Disk............................ 323
Locking the Setup Menu Settings .............. 323
Locking File Loading Operations .............. 324
Chapter 18 Control Panel Setup
Overall Control Panel Settings .............. 325
Interchanging the Bank Order or
Disabling Operation. ........................ 325
Linking Switcher Bus and Router
Destination ....................................... 325
Linking Transitions between Keyers ......... 326
Linking the Next Transition Selection
Buttons ............................................. 326
Assigning Regions to Region Selection
Buttons in the Flexi Pad ................... 327
Setting Transition Control Block Button
Assignments .................................... 327
Assigning Devices or Functions to the
Region Selection Buttons of the
Device Control Block ...................... 328
Inhibiting Utility Bus and Key
Operations. ....................................... 328
Inhibiting DME Channel Selection
Operations. ....................................... 328
Assigning Functions to the Menu Panel
Top Menu and User Preference
Buttons ............................................. 328
Assigning Functions to the Buttons in
the Flexi Pad .................................... 328
Cross-Point Settings ............................... 329
Creating Cross-Point Assign Tables .......... 329
Setting the Cross-point Button Color for
Each Signal ...................................... 331
Names .............................................. 332
Making Settings for Audio Mixer ............. 332
Assigning a Cross-Point Button to
Enable/Disable Side Flags ............... 333
Router Remote Control Settings ............ 333
Assigning a Destination to a Destination
Selection Button ............................... 333
Setting the Source Table ............................ 333
Assigning Levels to a Level Selection
Button .............................................. 333
Selecting a Destination Selection Button
for a Snapshot .................................. 334
Setting Button Assignments .................. 334
Assigning Functions to User Preference
Buttons ............................................. 334
Assigning a Function to 2nd Row Cross-
Point Buttons .................................... 336
Interfacing with External Devices .......... 337
Making Control Panel GPI Input
Settings............................................. 337
Making Control Panel GPI Output
Settings............................................. 338
Assigning a Parallel Output Port ................ 339
Setting the Control Mode for P-Bus
Devices............................................. 339
Associating a Port with a Device
Selection Button ............................... 339
Setting the Serial Ports .............................. 340
Setting the AUX Bus Override Operating
Mode ............................................... 340