Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
For this step, you'll need the parts out of the hot end pack. This includes the hot end itself, the
two heating resistors and the tiny pack with the thermistor and it's PTFE tubing.
You'll start by coating each heating resistor with RTV as shown in Fig. 3-3.
You'll want to try to keep the resistor leads free of RTV, but don't skimp on the RTV application.
You can always clean off excess RTV after it's cured.
This stuff is goopy and sticks to everything! Avoid having to use the cat so keep a paper towel or ten
3 – Preparing the Hot End and Power Supply – 29
Fig. 3.1-2: RTV & heating resistor.
Fig. 3.1-3: Coating the heating resistor with RTV.