Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
Cut off two 3/8” long lengths of PTFE and slip one over each leg of the thermistor. Just like you did
with the hot end, carefully bend the end of the thermistor at a 90 degree angle.
Dip the end of the thermistor in to RTV, just like you did for the hot end. Insert the RTV coated
thermistor into the hole in the center of the Onyx as shown in Fig. 4.1-4.
Next, you'll cover the thermistor with a few strips
of Kapton tape in order to keep it in place.
Now go ahead and solder the two thermistor
leads to the two closest pads and then trim the leads.
4 – Preparing the Onyx Heated Bed – 39
Fig. 4.1-3: Thermistor ready.
Fig. 4.1-4: Thermistor in place.
Fig. 4.1-5: Taped in place.
Fig. 4.1-6: Soldered & trimmed.
Fig. 4.1-2: PTFE insulators