Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
5/16” open-ended wrench.
11/16” open-ended wrench (used for hot-end mount)
A digital caliper. These can be purchased from Harbor Freight tools for around $10.
A small squeeze clamp that can open at least 6”
Battery powered screwdriver. If you ever needed an excuse to buy one of these, THIS IS IT.
40W Soldering Iron.
Solder. (Example:
Blue thread locking compound (Loctite or Permatex Threadlocker Blue)
A small file.
12” framing square.
A small razor knife like an X-Acto knife. This will be handy for cleaning the flashing off the
injection molded parts.
Additional Materials
Isopropyl Alcohol
1 Roll of ABS filament. Needed to print the fan shrouds at the end of the build.
PermaTex Ultra Copper High Temp RTV
1/2” wide roll of Kapton tape ($7-$10 at Amazon, search for “Kapton 1/2”.
Elmer's Glue Stick – must be marked “Disappearing Purple”.
1 – Required Tools And Materials – 7