Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
8 – Assembling, Installing, and Wiring the Top Section
For this task, you'll need the following components:
8.1 – Prepping the Upper Tower Mounts
Before you can install the upper tower mounts, three tower depth stop screws need to be
installed as shown below.
These screws perform the same function as the
ones previously installed in the lower tower mounts.
This helps guarantee that the top section will be at the
correct height on all three towers.
Next, grab your handy-dandy Redneck Tapping
Tool and tap the hole in each of the Upper Tower
Support Spacers. It's easier to do this now instead of
after they're installed.
8 – Assembling, Installing, and Wiring the Top Section – 68
Fig. 8.1-1: Depth stop screws installed.
Fig. 8.1-2: Threading the spacers.