Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
Carefully insert both heating resistors into the pockets in the hot end as shown in Fig. 3-4.
You'll need to add a little more RTV to both ends of the resistor in order to fully fill the cavity
that the resistors sit in. Use a toothpick to help pack the RTV in. You don't want any air pockets in
there. Air pockets can shorten the life of the resistors because air exposure will allow the resistor to
over-heat in a single area.
Don't be surprised if your application of RTV is not nearly as neat as shown above. These hot
end assembly photos were shot by Andy Oprisko, a SeeMeCNC employee. He's literally built
hundreds of hot ends and is very, very good at it.
Set the hot end aside, with the nozzle pointing up. We're going to prep the thermistor for
installation next.
3 – Preparing the Hot End and Power Supply – 30
Fig. 3.1-4: Resistors installed in the hot end.
Fig. 3.1-5: Resistor cavities filled with RTV.