Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
The dialog comprises at the left side a button bar with the four
buttons for sensor
The "Save" button enables you to store the measured data. The "Config" button opens
the settings dialogs for configuring the measurement parameters, as well as the but-
tons "Marker", "Gate Mode", "Pulse Data" and "Trigger".
To perform start a measurement, use the "Start/Stop" button at the bottom.
Trace Buttons - Power Analysis
The four buttons in the upper left corner of the measurement diagram indicate the sen-
sor assignment to the respective trace. They open the settings dialogs for the traces,
Save… - Power Analysis
Opens the dialog to store a screenshot of the current measurement diagram, see
Config… - Power Analysis
Provides access to the "Configure NRP-Z Analysis" dialog, see
Marker… - Power Analysis
Opens the dialog for configuring markers, see
Gate Mode... - Power Analysis
Opens the dialog for configuring the settings in gate mode, see
on page 224. This mode assumes that you are working in measurement mode
surement Mode - Power Analysis "Time"
Pulse Data… - Power Analysis
Opens the dialog for configuring the settings for pulse data analysis, see
on page 230. This mode assumes that you are working in the time
domain analysis (
Measurement Mode - Power Analysis "Time"
) and the sensor sup-
ports automatic pulse analysis.
Trigger… - Power Analysis
Opens the dialog for configuring the trigger settings, see
on page 238. This mode assumes that you are working in the time domain analysis (
Measurement Mode - Power Analysis "Time"
Start - Power Analysis
Triggers the measurements with the R&S NRP-Z power sensors. The measurement
results are indicated in the measurement diagram. A progress bar indicates the status
of the measurement.
RF Level