Manual Operation
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
4 Manual Operation
The R&S
SMF can be operated intuitively either via the interactive block diagram or via
a menu tree. All menus are in the form of windows that can be operated in the same
way. Rotary knob, keys and softkeys, or alternatively a mouse, allow direct and there-
fore convenient access to entries and settings.
The clear-cut display shows the current signal generator state. Numerous help func-
tions support the user in signal configuration.
This section describes the concept of manual operation of the signal generator. This
includes a description of the general structure of a dialog box, working with dialog
boxes and the block diagram and the setting of parameters.
For an in-depth description of the dialog boxes and the instrument functions refer to
section "Instrument Functions".
4.1 Key Features
The manual operating concept of the R&S
SMF enables the user to make settings as
intuitively as possible and at the same time gives a permanent overview of characteris-
tics of the generated signal and of the current instrument state. Numerous online help
functions support user settings.
Block diagram
The block diagram is the core of the operating concept.
A graphics display shows the current configuration and the signal flow in the form of a
block diagram. All graphical elements can be accessed for operation. An element is
selected by means of the arrow keys and the associated setting function is called by
pressing Enter. Required menus and graphs are displayed on the block diagram which
is displayed again in the foreground whenever the DIAGRAM (CTRL+D) key is
Permanent frequency and level display
The main characteristics of the RF signal, frequency and level, are permanently dis-
played in the header section of the screen and can be directly set in the display fields
after the FREQ (CTRL+F) or LEVEL (CTRL+L) key is pressed. Status messages for
the output signal are displayed in addition to frequency and level.
Operation via Graphical User Interface
Functional blocks
Menus are assigned to the specific function blocks in the block diagram. The func-
tion blocks represent elements of signal generation. Function blocks displayed with
Key Features