Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Activating the list mode automatically deactivates all sweeps. During list mode
the frequency and level indications do not display the currently set values.
Remote command:
Mode - List Mode
Selects the cycle mode of the List mode.
Cycle from the beginning to the end of the list with automatic restart
at the beginning. If a different mode was activated prior to the Auto
mode, the cycle continues from the beginning of the list. The duration
of a list step is determined by the set dwell time.
Button "Reset" restarts the list at the starting point.
Single cycle from the beginning to the end of the list. If "Single" is
selected, the cycle is not started immediately. The "Execute Single"
button appears under the "Mode" line. The cycle is started with this
button. The duration of a list step is determined by the set dwell time.
Button "Reset" restarts the list at the starting point.
Manual, step-by-step processing of the list. Activating "Step" stops
the current list and the cursor moves to the value displayed for "Cur-
rent Index". It is now possible to scroll up and down in the list in dis-
crete steps by varying the index. The duration of a list step is deter-
mined by the time between two index entries.
Button "Reset" restarts the list at the starting point.
"Extern Single" Single cycle from the beginning to the end of the list as with "Single",
but started by an external trigger.
The external trigger signal is input at the TRIGGER or AUX connector
on the rear of the instrument.
Button "Reset" restarts the list at the starting point.
"Extern Step"
Step-by-step cycle using the external trigger signal. Each trigger
event starts a single step. The duration of a list step is determined by
the time between two trigger events.
The external trigger signal is input at the TRIGGER or AUX connector
on the rear of the instrument.
Button "Reset" restarts the list at the starting point.
Remote command:
Execute Single - List Mode
Triggers the list manually. This button is available only if mode "Single" is selected.
Remote command:
RF Frequency Block