Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
5.5.2 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
An internal and/or external source can be selected for amplitude modulation. Two LF
modulation generators and a noise generator are available as the internal source for a
fully equipped instrument. Two-tone AM is possible by simultaneously switching on the
external and internal or both internal sources.
Two external input connectors for external feed of analog modulation signals are loca-
ted on the front panel of the instrument.
The AM modulation depth is limited by the maximum peak envelope power (PEP).
Amplitude Modulation Settings
To open the "Amplitude Modulation" dialog, select "Modulation > Configure > Ampli-
tude Modulation" or use the MENU key under "Modulation".
For a fully equipped instrument two LF generators and a noise generator are available
as internal sources.
In the upper section of the dialog, the amplitude modulation is activated and config-
ured. Additionally, the scan state and the ratio can be set. In the "External Inputs" sec-
tion, the external inputs are configured. These settings affect all modulations which use
the same external modulation sources. For a detailed description, see
on page 255. The "LF Frequency" field displays the LF frequency
as adjusted in the "LF Generator" dialog. This value can be also be changed.
Activates amplitude modulation.
Remote command:
Selects the modulation signal source for AM.