3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
EADS North America Test and Services
generated digitally, the pulse shape will be computed again each
time you change a parameter. This may be visible as a glitch on the
pulse train as the new waveform is loaded into the waveform
You can adjust the pulse characteristics only if all of its parameters
can be adjusted both in the time and amplitude domain. The 3152B
provides the necessary controls to do that. However, note that the
pulse is generated digitally, and therefore has some limitations to
observe. These limitations are discussed later in this chapter.
Below is a list of commands that control pulse parameters.
dpul:per <value>
Defines the repetition rate of the pulse. The
period is programmable, starting at 80 ns.
dpul:high <value>
Sets the high time, which is defined as the
amount of time the signal is at the high
point. This is not the same as pulse width
which is measured at 50% of the amplitude
level. The high time is measured at the top
of the pulse.
dpul:del <value>
Sets the delay time. The delay defines the
time the pulse is delayed from its starting
point to the first transition. The delay time is
computed as part of the pulse period.
Therefore, if you do not plan to have a
delayed pulse, set the delay value to 0 s.
dpul:rise <value>
Sets the rise time, defined as the time it
takes for the pulse to transition from its low
level to its high level. This should not be
confused with the common measure of rise
time from 10% to 90% of amplitude. Rise
time, as set by this command, is computed
as part of the pulse period and therefore, if
you do not plan to have linear transitions,
change its value to 0 s.
dpul:fall <value>
Sets the fall time, defined as the time it
takes for the pulse to transition from its
high level to its low level. This should not
be confused with the common measure of
fall time from 90% to 10% of amplitude. Fall
time, as set by this command, is computed
as part of the pulse period and therefore, if
you do not plan to have linear transitions,
change its value to 0 s.
dpu:lev:high <value>
Sets the high amplitude level, which is the
top amplitude level of the pulse. The value
must be at least 16 mV larger than the low
level setting and must not 16 V.
dpu:lev:low <value>
Sets the low amplitude level, which is the
bottom amplitude level of the pulse. The
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