Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
3152B User Manual
EADS North America Test and Services
Programming Reference 5-57
The ASCII "#" ($23) designates the start of the binary data block.
"2" designates the number of digits that follow.
"12" is the number of bytes to follow. This number must divide by 4.
The generator accepts binary data as 32-bit integers, which are sent in two-byte words. Therefore, the total
number of bytes is always 4 times the number of segments. For example, 36 bytes are required to download
9 segments to the segment table. The IEEE-STD-488.2 definition of Definite Length Arbitrary Block Data
format is demonstrated in Figure 5-1. The transfer of definite length arbitrary block data must terminate with
the EOI bit set. This way, carriage-return (CR – 0dH) and line feed (LF – 0aH) characters can be used as
segment table data points and will not cause unexpected termination of the arbitrary block data.
Figure 5-4 shows the organization of the 32-bit word for the segment start address and size. There are a
number of points you should be aware of before you organize the data:
Figure 5-4, Segment Address and Size Example
1. The minimum number of segments is 1 and the maximum number of segments is 16k.
2. Maximum segment size depends on your installed option. With the basic 3152B you can program a
segment of up to 1 Meg points.
3. Segment table data has 32-bit values of which are used for segment size. Therefore, data for each
segment must have 4 bytes
4. The number of bytes in a complete segment table must divide by 4. The 3152B has no control over
data sent to its segment table during data transfer. Therefore, wrong data and/or incorrect number of
bytes will cause erroneous memory partitioning.
Block of binary data that contains information on the
segment table.
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