3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
EADS North America Test and Services
Controlling the
Advance Modes
Use the following commands to control how the sequence
advances through the sequence links:
seq:adv auto
This specifies continuous advance, where the
generator steps continuously to the end of the
sequence table and then repeats the sequence
from the beginning. For example, if a sequence
is made of three segments, 1, 2, and 3, and
AUTO mode is used, the sequence will proceed:
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3…, with the duration of the
loop depending upon the loop counter specified
in the sequence table.
seq:adv trig
This specifies that the 3152B idles between links
until it senses a valid trigger event. This mode is
available only when the 3152B is in Triggered
Run mode. An attempt to select this mode when
the 3152B is in Continuous Run mode will
generate a settings conflict error. After a trigger,
the generator output resumes until it is once
again between links. Then, the output level idles
at a DC level equal to the last point of the last
generated waveform. If loops (repeats) were
programmed, the segment is repeated n times
automatically before it begins idling. After
execution of all of the programmed loops, the
sequencer steps to the next segment in the
sequence upon receipt of the next valid trigger
seq:adv step
This Stepped Advance mode specifies that the
sequence advances to the next link only when a
valid trigger event has been received. In this
mode, the 3152B generates the first segment
continuously until a trigger signal advances the
sequence to the next segment. If repeats are
specified in the sequence table, they are ignored
in Stepped Advance mode. Note that this mode
requires that the run mode be set to Continuous.
seq:adv mix
In this mode, advancing to the next link is
controlled by the Advance bit in the link
definition. “0” will cause the link to advance
automatically to the next link. “1” will cause the
link to repeat itself continuously until a valid
trigger event has been received, and then the
generator will begin executing the next link. Note
that this mode requires that the run mode be set
to Continuous.
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