3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
PSK Data Bits Length 2
Shifted Waveform
Sine wave
Carrier Frequency Range
10 Hz to 100 MHz
Amplitude Shift Range
0 V to 16 Vp-p
Baud Range
1bits/sec to 2.5 Mbits/sec
ASK Data Bits Length 2
Operated from an external utility only such as
ArbConnection, the carrier waveform can be
programmed to freely sweep in three dimensions:
amplitude, frequency and phase.
Modulated Waveform
Carrier Frequency Range
10 Hz to 100 MHz
Modulating Sampling Clock
1 S/s to 2.5 MS/s
Number of profile indexes
2 to 30000
Pulse Generator Waveform Characteristics
The 3152B has a special mode where the instrument
type is transformed to operate as a digital pulse
generator. When this mode is selected, the operation
of the arbitrary waveform and its outputs are
disabled and possibly, arbitrary waveforms are
1. All pulse parameters, except rise and fall times,
may be freely programmed within the selected pulse
period provided that the ratio between the period and
the smallest incremental unit does not exceed the
ratio of 1,000,000 to 1 (4,000,000 to 1 with the
memory option), thus the specifications below do not
show the maximum limit as each must be computed
from the above relationship.
2. Rise and fall times may be freely programmed
provided that the ratio between the rise/fall time and
the smallest incremental unit does not exceed the
ratio of 100,000 to 1.
3. The sum of all pulse parameters must not exceed
the pulse period setting
Pulse State
On or Off. On generates pulse output; Off generates
0 Vdc
Pulse Mode
Single or double, programmable
Normal, inverted, or complemented
80 ns minimum, programmed with 4 ns increments
0 ns min; 1e6 s max (2e6 s max with option 1)
Pulse Width
4 ns minimum; 1e3 s max
Double Pulse Delay
0 ns minimum; 1e3 s max
Rise/Fall Times
0 ns minimum; 1e3 s max (actual min = <5 ns)
High Time
0 ns minimum
Amplitude Window
10 mVp-p to 16 Vp-p
A-8 3152B Specifications
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