3152B User Manual
Publication No. 980935 Rev. A
5-116 Programming Reference
EADS North America Test and Services
The generator returns a summary of the Status Byte register. The *STB? command is similar to a serial poll
sequence but is processed like any other instrument command. The *STB? command returns the same result
as a serial poll, except the "request service" bit (bit 6) is not cleared if a serial poll has occurred.
HS Syntax: 11000
Use this command from a remote interface as a soft trigger in lieu of an external generator. This command
affects the generator if it is first placed in the Trigger or Burst mode of operation and the trigger source is set
to "BUS".
HS Syntax: 1500@?
Use this command to test the functionality of the 3152B. Bear in mind that this test does not replace the
performance checks but comes to provide basic confidence that the instrument operates and responds
correctly to basic commands and functions.
The 3152B returns 0 when no error is detected. Non-zero response implies problems in one or more of the
tested circuits that requires further investigation by a qualified test engineer.
The SCPI Status
The 3152B uses the Status Byte register group and the Standard
Event register group to record various instrument conditions. Figure 5-
7 shows the SCPI status system.
An Event Register is a read-only register that reports defined
conditions within the generator. Bits in an event register are latched.
When an event bit is set, subsequent state changes are ignored. Bits
in an event register are automatically cleared by a query of that
register or by sending the *CLS command. The *RST command or
device clear does not clear bits in an event register. Querying an
event register returns a decimal value, which corresponds to the
binary-weighted sum of all bits, set in the register.
An Event Register defines which bits in the corresponding event
register are logically ORed together to form a single summary bit. The
user can read from and write to an Enable Register. Querying an
Enable Register will not clear it. The *CLS command does not clear
Enable Registers but it does clear bits in the event registers. To
enable bits in an enable register, write a decimal value that
corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits required to enable
in the register.
The Status Byte
Register (STB)
The Status Byte summary register contains conditions from the other
registers. Query data waiting in the generator's output buffer is
immediately reported through the Message Available bit (bit 4). Bits in
the summary register are not latched. Clearing an event register will
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