NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
Automatic Home Search
This IC has a function that automatically executes a home search sequence such as high-
speed home search → low-speed home
search → encoder Z-phase search → offset drive without CPU intervention. The automatic home search function sequentially
executes the steps from Step1to Step4that are listed below. The user can select execution or non-execution for each step. If
non-execution is selected, it proceeds with next step without executing that step. And for each step, the user sets a search direction
and a detection signal by mode setting. In steps 1 and 4, search operation or driving is performed at the high-speed that is set in the
drive speed. In Steps2 and 3, search operation is performed at the low-speed that is set in the home search speed. In addition in
Steps2 and 3, it is possible to output nDCC (deviation counter clear signal) or clear the real/logical position counter when the
signal is detected. The timer between steps can be used at the end of each step.
Table 2.5-1 Details of Automatic Home Search Sequence
Step number
Search speed
Detection signal
Step 1
High-speed home search
Drive speed (DV)
Specify any one of nSTOP0, nSTOP1 and Limit
Step 2
Low-speed home search
Home search speed (HV)
Specify either nSTOP1 or Limit
Step 3
Low-speed Z-phase search
Home search speed (HV)
Step 4
High-speed offset drive
Drive speed (DV)
Generally, automatic home search has various operations according to the detection signal that is used. As shown in the following
examples, there are some cases of a home search, such as using two sensors, a near home signal and a home signal, and using only
a home signal or only one limit signal.
(1) Example of the home search using a near home signal (nSTOP0) and a home signal (nSTOP1)
It searches a near home signal at high-speed in a specified direction, and then if a near home signal is detected, it performs
decelerating stop. Next, it searches a home signal at low-speed, and then if a home signal is detected, it performs instant stop.
High- speed home search
Low- speed home search
Instant stop at detection of Home
Decelerating stop
at detection of
Near Home
Near Home Sensor
Home Sensor
Fig. 2.5-1 Example 1 of Automatic Home Search
(2) Example of the home search using only a home signal (nSTOP1) or only one limit signal (nLMTP/nLMTM)
It searches a home signal or a limit signal at high-speed in a specified direction, and then if a signal is detected, it performs
decelerating stop. Next, it escapes in the opposite direction from the signal active section, and then searches a home signal at
low-speed, and if a home signal is detected, it performs instant stop. If a limit signal is used as a detection signal, it becomes the
limit signal of a search direction.
Home or Limit Sensor
Step1 High- speed home search
Step2 Low- speed home search
When the same direction is specified in Step1 and 2
Once Exit
Fig. 2.5-2 Example 2 of Automatic Home Search
This IC provides several mode settings in response to these various home search operations.