NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
Changing Drive Pulse Number in the middle of Driving (Override)
The drive pulse number (TP) can be changed in relative position driving and counter relative position driving. However, the drive
direction must be the same before and after the change of drive pulse number. The drive pulse number cannot be changed to the
value of different direction.
+20,000 in relative position driving
TP changed
-10,000 …NG
TP in the other direction cannot be changed
Fig. 2.1-5 Override Drive Pulse Number (TP) in Relative Position Driving
In acceleration / deceleration driving, if the rest of output pulses become less than the pulses at acceleration, and the drive
pulse number (TP) is changed during deceleration, the driving accelerates again (Fig. 2.1-7). And if the output pulse number of
changed drive pulse number (TP) is less than the number of pulses already output, the driving stops immediately (Fig. 2.1-8).
In S-curve acceleration / deceleration driving, if the drive pulse number (TP) is changed during deceleration, the S-curve profile
cannot be exactly tracked.
Change of Drive Pulse Number
Fig. 2.1-6 Change of Drive Pulse Number in Driving
Change of Drive Pulse Number
Fig. 2.1-7 Change of Drive Pulse Number
in Deceleration
Change of
Drive Pulse Number
Fig. 2.1-8 Changing Drive Pulse Number Less than Output Pulse Number
The drive pulse number (TP) cannot be changed while Absolute position driving.
Manual Deceleration for Fixed Pulse Acceleration / Deceleration Driving
As shown in Fig. 2.1-2, generally the deceleration of fixed pulse driving (relative position driving, absolute position driving and
counter relative position driving) is controlled automatically by MCX514. However, in the following situations, it should be preset
the deceleration point by the users.
The change of speed is too often in the trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration fixed pulse driving.