NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
Activation of other synchronous action sets in other axes
This bit is used to activate simultaneously in cooperation with the action of synchronous action set 0(SYNC0) in another axis
when the activation factor is activated by the synchronous action set.
Specify by D14~12 bits (AXIS3
To activate the action of synchronous action set 0(SYNC0) in another axis, specify 1 and not to activate, specify 0.
The specified bit and the activation of synchronous action set 0(SYNC0) in another axis are shown in the table below.
Table 2.6-6 Activation of Other Synchronous Action Sets in other axes
U axis SYNC0 activation
Z axis SYNC0 activation
Y axis SYNC0 activation
X axis SYNC0 activation
U axis SYNC0 activation
Z axis SYNC0 activation
Y axis SYNC0 activation
X axis SYNC0 activation
U axis SYNC0 activation
Z axis SYNC0 activation
Y axis SYNC0 activation
X axis SYNC0 activation
This function allows to perform more complex synchronous actions because it can activate multi-actions in other axes
simultaneously to one activation factor.
For example, suppose the X axis synchronous action set is SYNC0, and if the user wants to activate the actions of SYNC0 in Y
and Z axes when the activation factor of SYNC0 in X axis is activated, set D12 and D13 bits to 1 as shown in the table above. By
these settings, when the activation factor of SYNC0 in X axis is activated, the actions of SYNC0 in Y and Z axes will be activated
with the action of SYNC0 in X axis. At this time, the activation factor of SYNC0 in Y and Z axes must be set to NOP and only set
the action. In addition, they must be enabled by synchronous action enable setting command.
Synchronous action set repeat setting
The user can specify whether the synchronous action set is disabled or not after that is invoked once.
To enable the repeat setting, set D15 bit (REP) to 1 and to enable only once, set it to 0.
When the repeat setting is enabled, the synchronous action is invoked every activation of the activation factor. When it is enabled
only once, the synchronous action is invoked at the first activation of the activation factor.
When the repeat setting is enabled, if the activation factor sets “Termination of driving” and the action sets “Start of
relative position driving”, the operation from the termination to the start of driving loops infinitely. This can be
stopped by synchronous action disable setting command (cannot be stopped by termination command)
Enable setting
Each synchronous action set can be enabled by synchronous action enable setting command (81h~8Fh).
When the synchronous action set is enabled, the action is invoked by when the activation factor is activated.
4 synchronous action sets have each corresponding command code. Synchronous action set SYNC0 is 81h, SYNC1 is 82h,
SYNC2 is 84h and SYNC3 is 88h. These commands can be enabled in combination simultaneously. For instance, if 83h is
executed, SYNC0, 1 become enable. For more details of a combination of command codes, see table 2.6-7.
When REP=0 is set in SYNCm setting, once the synchronous action is executed, the synchronous action becomes disable and even
if the activation factor is activated again, the synchronous action will not be executed. When REP=
is set, the synchronous
action set keeps enable after the synchronous action is executed.
To enable the synchronous action set that is disabled by execution of the synchronous action, synchronous action enable setting
command must be wirtten again.
When ERRDE=1 is set in PIO signal setting 2
Other settings command (22h), all the synchronous action sets change to disable if
an error occurs (when the error bit of RR0 register becomes 1). In this case, unless the error status is cleared, the synchronous
action cannot be enabled by issuing synchronous action enable setting command. To clear the error status, write error/finishing
status clear command (79h).
Enable/disable of 4 synchronous action sets can be checked by D3~D0 bits (SYNC3~SYNC0) of RR3 register Page1.