NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
Speed is changed during the driving in the non-symmetry trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration and S-curve
acceleration/deceleration fixed pulse driving.
Acceleration, deceleration, jerk (acceleration increasing rate) and deceleration increasing rate are set individually for
S-curve acceleration/deceleration fixed pulse driving (non-symmetry S-curve acceleration/deceleration).
Circular interpolation, bit pattern interpolation and continuous interpolation are performed in acceleration/deceleration.
To perform manual deceleration mode, please set D0 bit of WR3 register to 1, and use manual decelerating point setting command
(07h) to set a deceleration point. As to other operations, the setting is the same as those of fixed pulse driving.
Offset Setting for Acceleration/Deceleration Driving
The offset function can be used for compensating the pulses when the decelerating speed does not reach the setting initial speed
during acceleration/deceleration fixed pulse driving. MCX514 will calculate the acceleration / deceleration point automatically,
and arrange the output pulses of deceleration phase that is equal to those of acceleration phase.
When setting the offset for deceleration, MCX514 will start deceleration early for the offset. The greater positive value is set for
the offset, the closer the automatic declaration point becomes, for this reason creep pulses of the initial speed will increase at the
termination of deceleration. If a negative value is set for the offset, output may stop prematurely before the speed reaches the
initial speed (see Fig. 2.1-9).
Offset Pulse
Initial Speed
Fig. 2.1-9 Offset for Deceleration
The default value for the offset is 0 when MCX514 power-on reset. It is not necessary to change the shift pulse value in normal
acceleration/deceleration fixed pulse driving. As for fixed pulse driving in non-symmetrical trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration
or S-curve acceleration/deceleration, if creep pulses or premature termination occurs at the termination of driving due to the low
initial speed, correct by setting the acceleration counter offset appropriately.
Continuous Pulse Driving
When continuous pulse driving is performed, MCX514 will drive pulse output in a specific speed until a stop command or
external stop signal becomes active. The user can use it for: home searching, teaching and speed control.
There are two stop commands, one is “decelerating stop” and the other is “instant stop”. And three input pins nSTOP0
can be connected for external decelerating stop (instant stop when driving under initial speed) signal. Enable / disable and active
level can be set in mode setting.
Stop Command or
External Stop Signal
Initial Speed
Drive Speed
Fig. 2.1-10 Continuous Pulse Driving
+ Direction continuous pulse driving command (52h) and
− Direction continuous pulse driving command (53h) are available.
To perform acceleration/deceleration continuous pulse driving, parameters except drive pulse number (TP) must be set as well as
fixed pulse driving.