NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
2.12.3 Encoder Pulse Input Type Selection
The encoder pulse input (nECA /PPIN, nECB /PMIN) which counts up/down the real position counter can be selected from 2
types, quadrature pulses input and Up / Down pulse input.
Quadrature pulses input
As quadrature pulses input types, the user can select from 3 types, quadrature pulses input and quad edge evaluation, quadrature
pulses input and double edge evaluation, quadrature pulses input and single edge evaluation.
When quadrature pulses input type is engaged and ECA signal goes faster 90 degree phase than ECB signal does, it's "count up"
and ECB signal goes faster 90 degree phase than ECA signal does, it's "count down". And when quad edge evaluation is set, it
counts Up/Down at the rising edge (
↑) and falling edge (↓) of both signals. When double edge evaluation is set, it counts Up/Down
at the rising edge (
↑) and falling edge (↓) of A-phase signals. When single edge evaluation is set, it counts Up/Down at the rising
edge (
↑) of A-phase signals.
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Quadrature pulses and
quad edge evaluation
Quadrature pulses and
double edge evaluation
Quadrature pulses and
single edge evaluation
Count up
Not count up
Count down
Not count down
Fig. 2.12-5 Example of X axis Quadrature Pulse Input
Up/down pulse input
nECA /PPIN is for "count up" input, and nECB /PMIN is for "count down" input. The counter counts up when the positive pulses
go up
(↑). (when the positive logic is set.)
Count up
Count down
Fig. 2.12-6 Example of X axis Up / Down Pulse Input