NOVA electronics Inc.
MCX514 -
The constant speed area (the area that driving is performed at a constant speed) may be slightly generated at the
termination of driving in acceleration / deceleration driving.
Description 4: Split pulse
About “Start of split pulse”, a synchronous action is activated when split pulse is started by start of split pulse command
(75h) or the other synchronous action sets.
About “Termination of split pulse”, a synchronous action is activated when output of the last split pulse is finished.
About “Output of split pulse”, a synchronous action is activated when split pulse is output (when rising or falling to the
valid level). If a synchronous action is set to repeat, it is activated every split pulse.
Drive Pulse
Split Pulse
RR3 Page1 / D11
(Split Pulse is in operation)
Last pulse
Start Split Pulse
Terminate Split Pulse
Output Split Pulse
Fig. 2.6-7 Activation Factor of Split Pulse
Description 5: The change of when general purpose input signal is rising
About “nPIOm
input signal ↑”, it is activated when nPIOm (m =0~3) input signal is rising from Low level to Hi level.
As shown in the table, the nPIOm signal corresponding to 4 synchronous action sets is fixed.
If the input signal is already Hi level when the synchronous action is enabled, the synchronous action is not activated at
that time. After it falls to Low level, and then if it again rises to Hi level, the synchronous action will be activated.
Description 6: The change of when general purpose input signal is falling
About “nPIOm input signal
↓”, it is activated when nPIOm (m =0~3) input signal is falling from Hi level to Low level.
As shown in the table, the nPIOm signal corresponding to 4 synchronous action sets is fixed.
If the input signal is already Low level when the synchronous action is enabled, the synchronous action is not activated
at that time. After it rises to Hi level, and then if it again falls to Low level, the synchronous action will be activated.
Description 7: General purpose input signal Low and the change of when rising
About “nPIOm input Low and nPIOk
input ↑”, it is activated when nPIOm (m=4~7) input signal is Low level and nPIOk
(k =0~3) input signal is rising from Low level to Hi level.
As shown in the table, the nPIOk, nPIOm signals corresponding to 4 synchronous action sets are fixed.
If nPIOm input signal is already Low level and nPIOk input signal is Hi level when the synchronous action is enabled,
the behavior is the same as the description 5.
Description 8: General purpose input signal Hi and the change of when rising
About “nPIOm input Hi and nPIOk i
nput ↑”, it is activated when nPIOm (m=4~7) input signal is Hi level and nPIOk (k
=0~3) input signal is rising from Low level to Hi level.
As shown in the table, the nPIOk, nPIOm signals corresponding to 4 synchronous action sets are fixed.
If nPIOm input signal is already Hi level and nPIOk input signal is Hi level when the synchronous action is enabled, the
behavior is the same as the description 5.
Description 9: General purpose input signal Low and the change of when falling
About “nPIOm input Low and nPIOk inp
ut ↓”, it is activated when nPIOm (m=4~7) input signal is Low level and nPIOk
(k =0~3) input signal is falling from Hi level to Low level.
As shown in the table, the nPIOk, nPIOm signals corresponding to 4 synchronous action sets are fixed.
If nPIOm input signal is already Low level and nPIOk input signal is Low level when the synchronous action is enabled,
the behavior is the same as the description 6.