NOVA electronics Inc. MCX514 -
Continuous Interpolation
Continuous interpolation is the operation that performs
a series of interpolation processes such as linear interpolation → circular
interpolation → linear interpolation → ···. This can only be performed when the number of the axis that executes continuous
interpolation is the same, and it is possible to perform continuous interpolation as shown in the table below.
Table 3.7-1 Executable Continuous Interpolation
Executable Continuous Interpolation
Continuance of 2-axis linear interpolation
2-axis linear
→ 2-axis linear → 2-axis linear →
Continuance of 2-axis linear interpolation and
circular interpolation
2-axis linear
→ Circular → 2-axis linear →2-axis linear →
Continuance of 3-axis linear interpolation
3-axis linear
→ 3-axis linear →3-axis linear →
Continuance of 4-axis linear interpolation
4-axis linear
→ 4-axis linear →4-axis linear →
Continuous interpolation is achieved by pre-buffer. Before starting interpolation or during interpolation driving, set interpolation
data to pre-buffer, and continuous interpolation driving will be performed. The user can set interpolation data of 8 segments to
pre-buffer at a maximum.