Menu Item
Point of Interest
(name or category)
(street 1 / street 2)
(street 1 and street 2)
(street 1 & street 2)
(street 1 @ street 2)
(street 1 at street 2)
Latitude and Longitude
(##.###### , ##.######)
One to six decimal places are accepted.
You are given autocomplete options below the address bar to select as you type.
If you do not give an exact destination, a menu displays with your possible selections.
Collections of your last 40 navigation destinations display here.
Previous Destinations
You can select any option from the list to select it as your destination.
These locations cannot be deleted individually. To delete them, preform a master reset. See SYNC™ 3
Troubleshooting (page 451).
Select to navigate to your set Home destination.
The time it takes to travel from your current location to Home displays.
To set your Home, press:
MKC (TME) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 01/2016, First Printing