Stay in Neutral mode
Stay in Neutral mode allows your vehicle to
stay in neutral (N) when you exit the vehicle.
Your vehicle must be stationary to enter this
To enter Stay in Neutral mode:
1. Press the neutral (N) button on your
shifter assembly.
2. A message will appear in your
information display.
3. Press the neutral (N) button again to
enter Stay in Neutral mode.
A message will appear in your information
display screen when your vehicle has
entered Stay in Neutral mode.
Note: During this mode the N button will
flash continuously and your instrument
cluster will display N as the selected gear.
Exiting Stay in Neutral mode
To disable Stay in Neutral mode select
another gear. See the Putting the Vehicle
in Gear for instructions on how to do this.
Entering a Carwash
Note: Always put your vehicle in Stay in
Neutral mode when entering an automatic
car wash. Failure to do this could result in
vehicle damage not covered by warranty.
Drive (D)
The normal driving position for the best fuel
Sport (S)
Putting the vehicle in sport (S):
Provides additional engine braking and
extends lower gear operation to enhance
performance for uphill climbs, hilly terrain
or mountainous areas. This will increase
engine RPM during engine braking
Provides additional lower gear operation
through the automatic transmission shift
Provides gear selection more quickly and
at higher engine speeds
SelectShift Automatic™ Transmission
Your SelectShift Automatic transmission
gives you the ability to change gears
Paddle Shifters
With your vehicle in drive (D), the paddle
shifters provide temporary manual control.
They allow you the ability to shift gears
quickly, without taking your hands off the
steering wheel.
You can achieve extensive manual control
by pressing the sport (S) button.
Pull the right paddle (+) to upshift.
Pull the left paddle (–) to downshift.
Upshift to the recommended shift speeds
according to the following chart:
MKC (TME) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 01/2016, First Printing