If you use oil and fluids that do not meet the
defined specification and viscosity grade,
this may lead to:
Component damage which is not
covered by the vehicle warranty.
Longer engine cranking periods.
Increased emission levels.
Reduced engine performance.
Reduced fuel economy.
Degraded brake performance.
We recommend Motorcraft® motor oil for
your vehicle. If Motorcraft® oil is not available,
use motor oils of the recommended viscosity
grade that meet API SN requirements and
display the API Certification Mark for gasoline
engines. Do not use oil labeled with API SN
service category unless the label also
displays the API certification mark.
An oil that displays this symbol conforms to
current engine, emission system and fuel
economy performance standards of the
International Lubricants Specification
Advisory Committee (ILSAC).
Do not use supplemental engine oil additives
because they are unnecessary and could
lead to engine damage that may not be
covered by your vehicle warranty.
Note: Ford recommends using DOT 4 Low
Viscosity (LV) High Performance Brake Fluid
or equivalent meeting WSS-M6C65-A2. Use
of any fluid other than the recommended
fluid may cause degraded brake
performance and not meet the Ford
performance standards. Keep brake fluid
clean and dry. Contamination with dirt,
water, petroleum products or other materials
may result in brake system damage and
possible failure.
Note: Automatic transmissions that require
MERCON LV transmission fluid should only
use MERCON LV transmission fluid. The use
of any other fluid may cause transmission
MKC (TME) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 01/2016, First Printing
Capacities and Specifications