Ready: The Port Security service is in use by at least one user module, and is awaiting frames from unknown MAC
addresses to arrive.
Limit Reached: The Port Security service is enabled by at least the Limit Control user module, and that module has
indicated that the limit is reached and no more MAC addresses should be taken in.
Shutdown: The Port Security service is enabled by at least the Limit Control user module, and that module has indicated
that the limit is exceeded. No MAC addresses can be learned on the port until it is administratively re-opened on the
Limit Control configuration Web-page.
MAC Count (Current, Limit):
The two columns indicate the number of currently learned MAC addresses (forwarding as well as blocked) and the
maximum number of MAC addresses that can be learned on the port, respectively.
If no user modules are enabled on the port, the Current column will show a dash (-).
If the Limit Control user module is not enabled on the port, the Limit column will show a dash (-).
Indicates the number of currently learned MAC addresses (forwarding as well as blocked) on the port. If no user modules
are enabled on the port, a dash (-) will be shown.
Activate the auto-refresh to refresh the information automatically.
Refresh the Port Security Switch Status information manually.
5.7.3 Port Status
This section shows the MAC addresses secured by the Port Security module. Port Security is a module with no direct
configuration. Configuration comes indirectly from other modules - the user modules. When a user module has enabled
port security on a port, the port is set-up for software-based learning. In this mode, frames from unknown MAC addresses
are passed on to the port security module, which in turn asks all user modules whether to allow this new MAC address
to forward or block it. For a MAC address to be set in the forwarding state, all enabled user modules must unanimously
agree on allowing the MAC address to forward. If only one chooses to block it, it will be blocked until that user module
decides otherwise.
Web Interface
To show the Port Security Switch Status in the web interface:
1. Specify the Port you want to monitor.
2. Check “Auto-refresh”.
Figure 5-7.3: The Port Security Port Status
Parameter description:
MAC Address & VLAN ID:
The MAC address and VLAN ID that is seen on this port. If no MAC addresses are learned, a single row stating "No MAC
addresses attached" is displayed.
Indicates whether the corresponding MAC address is blocked or forwarding. In the blocked state, it will not be allowed
to transmit or receive traffic.
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
5 Security