4.3.1 Users
This page provides an overview of the current users. Currently the only way to login as another user on the web server
is to close and reopen the browser.
Web Interface
To configure accounts in the web interface:
Click SYSTEM, Account, Users.
Click Add new user
Specify the User Name parameter.
Click Apply.
Figure 4-3.1: The Users Account configuration
Parameter description:
User Name:
The name identifying the user. The allowed string length is 1 to 32. A valid user name consists of letters, numbers and
underscores. This parameter is also a link to Add/Edit User.
The password associated with the account. The allowed string length is 0 to 32, and the allowed content is the ASCII
characters from 32 to 126.
Password (again)
You must type the same password again in this field.
Privilege Level:
The privilege level of the user. The allowed range is 1 to 15. If the privilege level value is 15, he can access all groups,
i.e. he is granted the fully control of the device. But others value need to refer to each group privilege level. User's
privilege should be same or greater than the group privilege level to have the access of that group. By default settings,
most groups with privilege level 5 have the read-only access and with privilege level 10 have the read-write access. And
the system maintenance (software upload, factory defaults and etc.) need user privilege level 15. Generally, the privilege
level 15 can be used for an administrator account, privilege level 10 for a standard user account and privilege level 5
for a guest account.
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
4 System Configuration