Parameter description:
The logical port for the settings contained in the same row. Click on the port number in order to configure the schedulers.
To activate which Port you need to enable the QoS Ingress Port Policies function.
To set the Rate limit value for this port, the default is 500.
To scroll to select what unit of rate includes kbps, Mbps, fps and kfps. The default is kbps.
Flow Control:
Activate to enable or disable flow control on port.
Save – Click to save changes.
Reset – Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
3.14.3 Port Scheduler
This section provides an overview of QoS Egress Port Schedulers for all switch ports. The ports belong to the currently
selected unit, as reflected by the page header.
Web Interface
To display the QoS Port Schedulers in the web interface:
1. Click Configuration, QoS, Port Schedulers
2. Display the QoS Egress Port Schedulers
Figure 3-14.3: The QoS Egress Port Schedules (GS-2310P)
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
3 Configuration