Parameter description:
These parameters are displayed on the SNMP System Configuration page:
SNMP State:
Enable: Enable SNMP operation.
Disable: Disable SNMP operation.
Default: Enable.
Engine ID:
SNMPv3 engine ID. Syntax: 0-9,a-f,A-F, min 5 octet, max 32 octet, fifth octet must not be 00. If the Engine ID is changed
it will clear all original users.
4.6.2 Communities
The function is used to configure SNMPv3 communities. The Community and UserName is unique. To create a new
community account, please click on the <Add new community> button, and enter the account information and click on
<Save>. Max Group Number: 4.
Web Interface
To configure SNMP Communities in the web interface:
1. Click SNMP, Communities.
2. Click Add new community.
3. Specify the SNMP communities parameters.
4. Click Apply.
5. If you want to modify or clear the setting click Reset.
Figure 4-6.2: The SNMPv1/v2 Communities Security Configuration
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
4 System Configuration