3.14.6 Port DSCP
This section shows how to configure the QoS Port DSCP settings for all switch ports.
Web Interface
To configure the QoS Port DSCP parameters in the web interface:
1. Click Configuration, QoS, Port DSCP
2. Activate to enable or disable the Ingress Translate and Scroll the Classify
Parameter configuration
3. Select Egress Rewrite parameters
4. Click Apply to save the setting
5. If you want to cancel the setting then you need to click the Reset button.
It will revert to previously saved values
Figure 3-14.6: The QoS Port DSCP Configuration (GS-2310P)
Parameter description:
The Port column shows the list of ports for which you can configure dscp ingress and egress settings.
In Ingress settings you can change ingress translation and classification settings for individual ports.
There are two configuration parameters available in Ingress:
Translate: To Enable the Ingress Translation click the checkbox
Classify: Classification for a port have 4 different values
Disable: No Ingress DSCP Classification.
DSCP=0: Classify if incoming (or translated if enabled) DSCP is 0.
Selected: Classify only selected DSCP for which classification is enabled as specified in DSCP Translation window for the
specific DSCP.
All: Classify all DSCP.
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
3 Configuration