Chapter 3 Setup Menu
USB iLink/DataDump Off – Enables bi-directional communications for
use with the optional iLink System Configuration and Data Capture PC
software program via USB. The RS-232 data dump feature is disabled
(default). Please refer to the
iLink Software User’s Manual
for a full
description of the capabilities of this software package.
USB iLink/DataDump On – Enables bi-directional communications for
use with the optional iLink System Configuration and Data Capture PC
software program via USB. The RS-232 data dump feature is enabled.
Please refer to the
iLink Software User’s Manual
for a full description of
the capabilities of this software package.
RS232 iLink Only – The USB interface is disabled. Enables bi-directional
communications for use with the optional iLink System Configuration and
Data Capture PC software program via RS-232. Please refer to the
Software User’s Manual
for a full description of the capabilities of this
software package.
Printer Enable
This menu item allows you to enable the printer if it has become disabled, either by
user choice or in response to a printer error condition. If, while printing, a printer error
occurs, you are given the choice of disabling the printer. If the printer is disabled in
response to a printer error condition, then the data output mode will default to manual
printing. You must reselect any other output mode that may have been in effect when
the printer error occurred. Selection of a data output mode that uses the printer will not,
by itself, enable a disabled printer.
Set Analysis Parameters
The Set Analysis Parameter menu is used to change a specific analysis parameter
associated with sample analysis.
Note: Do not make any changes to any of these analysis parameters.
Forty eight parameters associated with the firmware of the iMatic are changeable using
this Setup Menu item. Access to these items should only be attempted at the direct
instruction of Mirion Technologies (Canberra) engineering staff members. If any item
is opened and changed and “Yes” is responded when asked to “Save Changes”, an
“Enter Security Code” string must be entered correctly for changes to be saved. This
requirement prevents accidental changes to the iMatic code from being made.
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