iSERIES Algorithm
Figure 16 One Hour Glass Fiber Filter
The activity results show a dramatic difference as well. Table 2 shows the difference in
the activity of the compensated results using the two filters. Not only is there a huge
difference in the alpha results, but the low tailing of the alpha falling into the beta
channel is significant as well.
Table 2 First Count Compensated Results with GF and PTFE
Alpha 3 - 6.4 MeV Beta
Glass Fiber Model LB5211 A-O
PTFE Eichrom Resolve
In addition to the results immediately after collection, the difference in results is still
significant after 60 minutes.
Table 3 One Hour Delay Comparing GF and PTFE
Alpha 3 - 6.4 MeV Beta
Glass Fiber Model LB5211 A-O 89
PTFE Eichrom Resolve
Since the iSERIES algorithm uses a spectral stripping method, anything that can be
done to improve the peak also improves the final results. Even with the difference
between the filters the previous tables, the iSERIES algorithm correctly compensated
for 75% of the alpha interference and 50%+ of the beta interference using the glass
fiber filters.
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