COMmander 6000/R/RX - Firmware V7.0D - Advanced Information V19 04/2018
Functions, Uses, Concepts
Ringing Sequence
Ringing Sequence
It may not be always useful, e.g., in a service centre, for all the phones
logged into a group to ring simultaneously. To solve this problem, a ringing
sequence can be configured.
The ringing sequence is created by the following settings:
: All subscribers logged into the group ring simultaneously. It is
possible to configure a delayed ringing for selected subscribers.
These subscribers start to ring after the delay. Moreover, if the
subscribers are busy and their call waiting function is enabled, all
subscribers will hear knocking. The call is terminated by the network
provider (usually after 120 sec.). If CF on no response was
configured, the group call is finished after the configured delay time
and the CF destination is called instead.
: All members logged into the group ring directly one after the
other for a configured time. For one call, only one phone rings at a
time. A busy subscriber is skipped and the next subscriber in line is
called. If CF on no response was configured, the group call is
finished after the configured delay time and the CF destination is
called instead.
: All members logged into the group start to ring delayed by a
configured time one after the other. A busy subscriber is skipped and
the next subscriber in line is called. If CF on no response was
configured, the group call is finished after the configured delay time
and the CF destination is called instead.
: The order phones are called depends on the assigned