Commands in DSR Application Subsystems
:SYSTem Subsystem
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
:<Handle>:SYSTem:TEST:GLOBal DETailed | SHORt
This command initiates a system-wide selftest. The local bus and the
SYSCLK signal distribution is tested. The selftest messages are placed
in the message queue. First the message queue is cleared, and then the
new results will be inserted.
The format of the messages can be specified by following keywords:
Generates a more detailed message.
Generates a less detailed message.
:<Handle>:MODule:SREVisions DETailed | SHORt
This command checks the actual BIOS Software REVisions against the
expected revision located in the firmware. The results of this test are
located in the message queue.
The message queue can be read with the command :SYST:MQU?
The format of the messages can be specified by following keywords:
Generates a more detailed message.
Generates a less detailed message.
Return Values
The following values may be placed in the message queue:
• BIOS: Update is needed
• BIOS: Update is not needed
The module selftest message is replaced by the expected revision.
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