Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
SCPI Commands Overview
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
Terminal Administration Commands
The following table lists the commands available for administration of
pulse and data port terminals.
Connector Administration Commands
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:APPend” on page 305
Creates and appends a new terminal to the list of terminals.
“:LIST?” on page 305
Returns a comma-separated list of terminal names.
“:DELete” on page 306
Deletes the terminal specified by the suffix of TERMinal.
“:FETch:SSTatus?” on page 306
Returns the status of the specified terminal.
“:REName” on page 306
Renames the terminal specified by the suffix of TERMinal.
“:NAME?” on page 307
Returns the name of the specified terminal.
“:TYPE?” on page 307
Returns the type of the specified terminal.
“:MOVE” on page 307
Moves the specified terminal to a new position.
“:CALibration:CDELay” on page 308
Sets a cable delay for the specified terminal in the specified port
to synchronize the signals at the DUT terminals.
“:CALibration:CDELay?” on page 308
Returns the current cable delay for the specified terminal in the
specified port.
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)]:MODule(*):CONNector(*):CINFormation?” on
page 129
Returns the connector configuration information.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)]:MODule(*):CONNector(*):TYPE?” on page 130
Returns the product number of the frontend to which the
connector belongs.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)]:MODule(*):CONNector(*):NAME?” on page 130
Returns the name of this connector.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)]:MODule(*):CONNector(*):TNAMe?” on page 130
Returns the Terminal NAMe to which this connector is
“:REMove” on page 309
Disconnects all terminals within the specified port or
“:TERMinal(*):[TO]” on page 310
Connects the specified terminal to the specified channel or
“:TERMinal(*):[TO]?” on page 311
Returns the channel to which the specified terminal is
“:MUX” on page 201
Sets the MUX factor associated with this connector.
“:MUX?” on page 201
Returns the MUX factor associated with this connector.
on page 131
Sets a cable delay for the specified connector to synchronize
it with other signal applied to the DUT terminals.
on page 131
Returns the current cable delay for the specified connector of
a specific module.
on page 131
Sets a zero delay for the specified connector of a specific the
Agilent 81250 System’s module.
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