Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
SCPI Commands Overview
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
External Input Commands
Trigger Output Commands
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:GLOBal:ARM[:SEQuence][:LAYer][:SOURce]” on
page 180
Controls the start mode of the Agilent 81250 System.
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:GLOBal:ARM?” on page 181
Returns the actual status of the External Input connector at the
front of the Central resource.
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:GLOBal:ARM[:SEQuence][:LAYer]:SENSe” on
page 181
Specifies the input level condition which is used in the GATed |
STARtsignal | STOPsignal modes.
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:GLOBal:ARM[:SEQuence][:LAYer]:SENSe?” on
page 181
Returns the actual setting of the input level condition for the gate
or start/stop signal.
on page 182
Specifies the threshold of the external input signal which is used
in the GATed | STARtsignal | STOPsignal modes.
on page 182
Returns the actual threshold for the external input signal used in
the gate or start/stop mode.
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:GLOBal:ARM[:SEQuence][:LAYer]:TVOLtage” on
page 182
Specifies the termination voltage of the external input signal
which is used in the GATed | STARtsignal | STOPsignal modes.
on page 183
Returns the actual termination voltage for the external input
signal used in the gate or start/stop mode.
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:DELay” on page 134
Varies the delay of the trigger output signal.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:DELay?” on page 134
Returns the current delay of the trigger output signal.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:MUX” on page 135
Sets the frequency multiplier factor for the individual
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:MUX?” on page 135
Returns the MUX factor associated with the trigger
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:OUTPut[:STATe]” on page 135
Sets the state of the trigger output of an E4809A
clock module.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:OUTPut[:STATe]?” on page 136
Returns the state of the trigger output of an E4809A
clock module.
on page 136
Sets the high voltage level of the trigger output
on page 136
Returns the high voltage level of the trigger output
on page 137
Sets the low voltage level of the trigger output signal.
on page 137
Returns the low voltage level of the trigger output
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