SCPI Commands Overview
Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
“:INPut:DELay” on page 255
Specifies the delay of the sampling edge.
“:INPut:DELay?” on page 255
Returns the current delay of the sampling edge for the specified
analyzer input connector.
“:INPut:DELay:CYCLes” on page 256
Specifies the delay of the sampling edge in terms of cycles
corresponding to the actual period/frequency valid for the
specified analyzer input connector.
“:INPut:DELay:CYCLes?” on page 256
Returns the current delay of the sampling edge for the specified
analyzer input connector in terms of cycles.
“:INPut:DELay:TIME” on page 257
Specifies the delay of the sampling edge.
“:INPut:DELay:TIME?” on page 257
Returns the current delay of the sampling edge for the specified
analyzer input connector.
“:INPut:DELay:ACTual?” on page 258
Returns the actual delay after synchronization.
“:INPut:DELay:SWEep” on page 259
Sets the delay sweep value.
“:INPut:DELay:SWEep?” on page 259
Returns the current delay sweep value.
“:INPut:POLarity” on page 246
Sets the input polarity of the specified data
port/terminal/connector to either normal or inverted.
“:INPut:POLarity?” on page 246
Returns the input polarity of the specified
“:INPut:TYPE” on page 247
Selects how the E4835A, E4863A, and E4865A differential input
frontends are sampled.
“:INPut:TYPE?” on page 248
Returns the operation mode of the E4835A, E4863A, and E4865A
differential input frontend.
“:INPut:MODE” on page 248
Selects between single-ended termination and differential
termination mode.
“:INPut:MODE?” on page 249
Returns the termination mode of an input frontend.
“:SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe” on page 233
Selects the allowed input voltage range for the E4835A
differential input frontend.
“:SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe?” on page 233
Returns the currently selected input voltage range of an E4835A
differential input frontend.
“:INPut:IMPedance[:INTernal]” on page 252
Specifies the internal termination impedance of the analyzer
input connector.
“:INPut:IMPedance[:INTernal]?” on page 252
Returns the current internal impedance of the specified analyzer
input connector.
“:INPut:SEQuence:[LAYer:SOURce:]CLOCk” on page 252
Sets the clock source mode for a module.
“:INPut:SEQuence:[LAYer:SOURce:]CLOCk?” on page 253
Returns the currently used clock source mode for a module.
“:INPut:SERial” on page 254
Specifies a serial impedance on this analyzer input connector.
“:INPut:SERial?” on page 254
Returns the current serial impedance used for the specified
analyzer input connector.
Command (Link to detailed description)
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