Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
SCPI Commands Overview
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
Optical Input Commands
The following table lists the commands available for data ports. The
commands are available at port, terminal, and connector level.
“:INPut:TCONfig” on page 260
Selects the termination model for input frontends.
“:INPut:TCONfig?” on page 261
Returns the termination model for input frontends.
“:INPut:DIMPedance” on page 261
Sets the impedance between the IN and \IN\ inputs of an
E4835A, E4863A and E4865A frontend when the differential
termination model is selected.
“:INPut:DIMPedance?” on page 262
Returns the differential termination resistor.
“:INPut:DISConnect:MODE?” on page 262
Returns how the specified connector is to be disconnected when
command is executed.
“:INPut:DISConnect:MODE” on page 263
Sets how the specified connector is to be disconnected when
command is executed.
Command (Link to detailed description)
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:INPut:OPTic[:STATe][:VALue]” on page 264
Sets the state of the optical channel(s).
“:INPut:OPTic[:STATe][:VALue]?” on page 264
Queries the state of the optical channel(s).
“:INPut:OPTic:POWer:UNIT[:VALue]” on page 265
Sets the unit for the 0/1 decision threshold of the selected
optical input connector, port, or terminal.
“:INPut:OPTic:POWer:UNIT[:VALue]?” on page 265
Queries the unit for the 0/1 decision threshold of the selected
optical input connector, port, or terminal.
“:INPut:OPTic:POWer:THReshold[:VALue]” on page 266
Sets the 0/1 decision threshold of the selected optical input
connector, port, or terminal.
“:INPut:OPTic:POWer:THReshold[:VALue]?” on page 266
Queries the 0/1 decision threshold of the selected optical input
connector, port, or terminal.
“:INPut:OPTic:WAVelength[:VALue]” on page 266
Sets the standard calibration wavelength.
“:INPut:OPTic:WAVelength[:VALue]?” on page 267
Returns the standard calibration wavelength.
“:INPut:OPTic:MEASure” on page 267
Measures the average signal power and sets this as the 0/1
decision threshold on the selected optical input connector, port,
or terminal.
“:INPut:OPTic:DLCalibration” on page 267
Performs dark level calibration on the selected optical input
connector, port, or terminal.
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