Commands in DSR Application Subsystems
:EDIT:SEGMent(*) Subsystem
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):DELete <“SegmentName”>
The name of a segment stored in the Agilent
81250 System’s database.
The suffix (*) of SEGMent is ignored.
Deletes the specified segment. If the segment name is prefixed with
’GlobalSegments/’ the global pool is searched; if the segment name is
prefixed with ‘LocalSegments/‘, then the current setting is searched. If
only a segment name is supplied, the current setting is searched. If no
segment of the specified name is found, the global segment pool is
#Removes the segment "PAYLOAD"
#from the system’s database
:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):CREate? <“SegmentName”>, <SegmType>
The name of a new segment to be created.
Type of the segment to be created: MEMory | PRBS |
The suffix (*) of SEGMent is ignored.
Creates a new segment. The inspector number returned can then be
used to refer to this segment. After being created, the segment is open
and can be manipulated by means of the inspector number returned.
If the segment already exists, this segment is opened.
Only database segments can be created, not analyzer segments.
The path for the segment to be created must be absolute. The pool
names “LocalSegments/” and “GlobalSegments/” can be used.
Segments that have been created during the current session but not
yet saved in the database will not be listed when the MMEM subsystem
is queried for them. However, the user can still work with them as
normal segments.
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