Copyright 2020 by Synthetic Sound Labs LLC - 3650 Digital Sequencer
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3650 Digital Sequencer
The SSL 3650 Digital Sequencer is a very flexible and approachable
Buchla format sequencer. You can easily start out with the basics
without being intimidated, and then begin to explore its many
nuances and features as you learn the power
of the 3650’s modes.
Many of the buttons on the 3650 have multiple functions and we
have tried extremely hard to provide maximum flexibility, while
diving” syndrome.
CV OUT covers 5 octaves, and can be tuned using front-accessible trim pot
Sequences can be set to any length up to 16 steps by using LOOP feature
Setting a step to REST holds previous pitch and doesn’t fire
Setting a step to SLUR changes to the new CV and doesn’t fire the PULSE out
In Standby mode, sequencer can be used as a tiny keyboard without altering programmed sequences
7 sequence memories with up to 16 steps per sequence.
5 song memories string up to 16 sequences together
Live transpose
Much more…
CLOCK IN (External clock input)
START IN (Expansion input; Starts sequencer back at step 1. Use for daisy-chaining multiple units)
END OUT (Sends pulse when sequencer goes past last step. Use for daisy-chaining multiple units)
ACC OUT (Can be programmed on or off in each sequence step)