IM 701240-01E
Time Reference Mark
mark is displayed at the time reference position of the acquisition data separately
from the trigger position.
• When Set to a Mode Other Than Roll Mode
Normally, the time reference point and the trigger position are displayed at the same
position, because they match.
If the waveform acquisition is stopped in the middle of the operation, the preset trigger position
and the actual trigger position (trigger point) are offset, because not all the data of the pre-
trigger section and post-trigger section have been acquired. In this case, the time reference
mark is offset from the trigger position mark, because it indicates the actual trigger point.
When the time reference mark is displayed
overlapped with the trigger position mark ( )
When the time reference mark is displayed
offset from the trigger position mark
Preset trigger position
Trigger point
Time from the trigger position
Time from the
trigger point
• When Set to Roll Mode Display
If the trigger mode is set to Auto or Auto Level, the reference point is the point when
the waveform acquisition was stopped.
If the trigger mode is set to Log, the reference point is the point when the waveform
acquisition was started.
When trigger mode is set to Auto/Auto Level
When trigger mode is set to Log
Time reference point
Time reference point
Time from the reference point
Time from the reference point
Notes for Setting the Trigger Position
• If you change the trigger position while waveform acquisition is stopped, the new setting
will not become effective until acquisition is started, and the waveform is updated.
• Note that cursor time measurements are with respect to the trigger position. Changing
the trigger position therefore changes the measurement values (except when in roll
mode display).
• If you change the record time, the time axis setting is rescaled with respect to the
trigger position.
6.2 Setting the Trigger Position