Chapter - 2
Revision 11
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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Versum Materials Confidential
That is, vapors may be present during abnormal conditions. See NFPA 70, article 501
and 596 for further details.
The Power Supply Module has a power input range of 100-240VAC @ 50-60Hz. Within
the module, the power is converted to 24VDC and controlled for the appropriate power
to the heater/cooler elements on the Source Cup Assembly. The entire Source Cup
Assembly is powered with 24VDC power.
All VaporGuard® models are Direct Digital Control (DDC) compatible with existing
ATCS applications and can be used as a “drop-in replacement”.
The Remote Display Module (optional), it allows for the user to install the display up to
5 feet away from the Power Supply Module. When enabled for remote controller
operation, the Remote Display Module controls the VaporGuard® exactly like the
display on the Source Cup Assembly, refer to figure 2-1.
Alpha-numeric Liquid Crystal Display with keypad interface.
Alarm history log with time stamp.
Real time clock.
Single RISC processor with onboard EEPROM and Flash.
Password protection for system configuration menus.
User configurable alarm disable/enable.
User configurable alarm interlock.
Latched alarms on front display for easy troubleshooting/diagnostics.
Audible alarm (92 dBA max.) with configurable mute time.