Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
Connect the Power Cable to P1 on Power Supply Module and to the power
source receptacle.
Insure that all connections are secured with the connection mounting hardware.
Tool Interface Connection
For tables 6-1 thru 6-7, reference System Schematic in Chapter 6. Reference
designator A2 is identified as the PCA for the Source Cup Assembly and A1 is for the
Power Supply Module PCA. Connector references without the A1 or A2 designation are
not part of the PCAs. They are part of the interconnecting cables that attach from the
external panel mount connector to the PCAs. The A1 and A2 reference designators are
only for clarification in these tables. All references to connections elsewhere use the
“J#” designator alone.
The measurements on the J4 connector, in figure 6-11, are for reference and can be
used for routing the Interconnect cable for remote installations of the Power Supply
The cable may require larger routing paths to allow for the large rectangular connector
P4. Optional Interconnect, Split cables are available for these applications, and is sold
separately, refer to figure 6-12 and the Spare Parts List in chapter 7.
Figure 6‐11 Model 600 Power Supply Module Connecter Designations