SECTION 12: Warnings & Error Messages
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2018 by Pacific Power Source, Inc. (PPS) • All Rights Reserved • No reproduction without written authorization from PPS.
LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 438 of 463
Warnings & Error Messages
During normal operation, a series of error and/ or warning messages may be displayed on the
front panel LCD display or reported by the error queue over one of the remote control
interfaces. This section of the manual lists available warning and error messages in numerical
order and provided some additional information on their meaning and possible causes. Where
relevant, suggested remedies to resolve any conditions are included as well.
There are some Error and Warning messages that may appear in the Errors & Events
that are
listed in the next section. In case you encounter an unlisted error or
warning message and code, contact Pacific Power customer service
) and describe the number and description to obtain further
After reporting such an event, try rebooting the power sources by cycling power as most
of these conditions will clear up with a reboot.
Errors & Warnings Messages in Numeric Order
Error Source
Category Error Message
Possible Cause
Front panel
SCPI event Event: Power ON.
Power on event detected.
Normal after power on
Not needed
Front panel
SCPI error Communication error
with an interface.
Internal Communication
Error between front panel
and power stage. Bad
Try recycling power. If
error persists, contact
customer service
Front panel
SCPI event Error & Event (E&E)
queue overflow.
Events and Error queue is
full. Too many errors or
Clear the Error & Event
(E&E) Queue
Front panel
SCPI error Storage fault.
Memory error detected
by front panel processor.
Memory Checksum error
Try recycling power. If
error persists, contact
customer service
Front panel
SCPI error System error
Unknown System Error.
Cause Undetermined
Try recycling power. If
error persists, contact
customer service
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Memory
use error.
Incorrect Memory Access.
Cause Undetermined
Try recycling power. If
error persists, contact
customer service
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Not
allowed command with
the current configuration.
Configuration setting
related conflict.
Check configuration
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Program
syntax error.
Incorrect command
Check syntax
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Program
is currently running.
Trying to start a program
that is already running
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Invalid
program name.
Invalid program name
passed. Special characters
are not allowed in
program names
Use names containing
letters and numbers only
Front panel
SCPI error Execution error: Cannot
create program.
Request to create new
program rejected.
Program data sent is not
Check program content