Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Radio Resource ManagementWireless Device Access
Overriding RRM
Statically configuring an access point’s radio for 20- or 40-MHz mode overrides the globally
configured DCA channel width setting on the 802.11a > RRM > Dynamic Channel Assignment
(DCA) page. If you ever change the static RF channel assignment method back to Global on the
access point radio, the global DCA configuration overrides the channel width configuration that
the access point was previously using. It can take up to 30 minutes (depending on how often
DCA is configured to run) for the change to take effect.
illustrates channel bonding in the 5-GHz band. Low channels are preferred.
Channels 116, 120, 124, and 128 are not available in the U.S. and Canada for 40-MHz channel
Figure 11-9
Channel Bonding in the 5-GHz Band
Step 5
Follow these steps to configure the antenna parameters for this radio:
From the Antenna Type drop-down box, choose
to specify the type of antennas
used with the access point radio.
Check and uncheck the check boxes in the Antenna field to enable and disable the use of specific
antennas for this access point, where A, B, and C are specific antenna ports. A is the right antenna
port, B is the left antenna port, and C is the center antenna port. For example, to enable transmissions
from antenna ports A and B and receptions from antenna port C, you would check the following
check boxes: Tx: A and B and Rx: C.
In the Antenna Gain field, enter a number to specify an external antenna’s ability to direct or focus
radio energy over a region of space. High-gain antennas have a more focused radiation pattern in a
specific direction. The antenna gain is measured in 0.5 dBi units, and the default value is 7 times 0.5
dBi, or 3.5 dBi.