Option 3 - Spare
Option 4 - Keypad Zone
Option 5 - Zone is a Radio Zone
Option 6 - Zone is a Stay Mode Zone
Option 7 - Zone can be Manually Bypassed
Option 8 - Zone can be Auto-Bypassed
Option 1
Zone is Active
- If this option is on the zone is turned on. If it is turned off the zone will not be monitored by
the panel. The panel can provide up to 16 zones but is configured by default as an 8 zone panel with this
option turned off for zones 9-16.
Option 2
Zone is N/O
- This option only applies if the zone input is set to type 14 (zone doubling) at location P125E.
When configured as type 14 there are three resistors wired in series on the input, a 2k2 tamper resistor, a
4k7 low zone resistor and an 8k2 high zone resistor. At this point, the zone can be set as having a N/C
(Normally closed) alarm contact where the EOL resistor is shorted out in the sealed state or it can be set as a
N/O (Normally open) alarm contact where the EOL resistor is in circuit in the sealed state. If this option is
turned on it assumes that the alarm contact is N/O. A proximity reader input is sealed if the input is open
and unsealed if the input is shorted to 0V. If the zone being used is from 1-8 and zone doubling is not being
used (eg P125E for the zone is not set to 14) then this function has no effect. If zone doubling is turned on
and this option is set for N/O operation (option 2 is turned on) the proximity reader input must be shorted
to 0V to seal the zone input.
Option 3
Option 4
Keypad Zone
- If this option is on the Zone will follow the Input at the corresponding Proximity Reader. If
the Proximity Reader is set to Keypad # 1 the input can be either zone 1 or zone 9, eg if P122E1E (zone #1)
had option 4 on then the input at reader one will operate zone 1. If P122E9E (zone #9) had option 4 on then
the input at reader one will operate zone 9. Proximity reader 1 can operate zones 1 or 9 through to
proximity reader 8 can operate zones 8 or 16. If the proximity reader input is left open circuit the zone is
sealed. If the input is shorted to 0V the input becomes unsealed.
Option 5
Zone is a Radio Zone
- If this option is on the panel does not scan the hardwired zone input terminal but
instead is looking for a radio zone signal. The correct radio type should be set at location P127E to ensure
that the radio zone works correctly.
Option 6
Zone is a Stay Mode Zone
- If this option is on the zone will be active when Stay Mode is armed. This feature
is normally used for arming just part of the alarm at night time.
Option 7
Zone can be Manually Bypassed
- If this option is on the zone can be Manually Bypassed at the keypad
using the <BYPASS> button. A zone must be Bypassed while in the disarmed state. A bypassed zone will
also bypass any tampers associated with that zone. Once the area with the bypassed zone has been armed
then disarmed, the manual bypass is removed and the zone must be manually bypassed again before
arming if required. If a zone is configured as a 24 Hour zone (P123E Options 3,4 & 5), they can also Manually
Bypassed but in this case the Bypass must be manually removed to re-instate the zone.
Option 8
Zone can be Auto-Bypassed
- If this option is on the zone will be Auto-Bypassed if unsealed at the expiry of
the exit delay. If a zone is unsealed at the time of arming and remains unsealed when the exit delay expires
and this option is on for that zone it will be automatically bypassed by the panel. If the zone seals after that
time it will be re-instated automatically and can then cause an alarm. On disarming of the alarm any auto-
Bypasses are removed.
- P123E 1-16E
Option 1 - Zone is a Handover Zone
Option 2 - Zone is a Two Trigger Zone
Option 3 - Zone is a 24 Hour Zone
Option 4 - Zone is a 24 Hour Auto-reset Zone
Option 5 - Zone is a 24 Hour Fire Zone
Option 6 - Spare
Option 7 - Zone is a Chime Zone
Option 8 - Zone is a Permanent Chime Zone
Option 1
Zone is a Handover Zone
- A Handover Zone is one that its entry delay will apply provided a Non-Handover