Option 1 - Divert on Arm
Option 2 - Divert on Disarm
Option 3 - Divert on Stay Mode Arm
Option 4 - Divert on Stay Mode Disarm
Option 5 - Divert on Key-switch Arm/Disarm
Option 6 - Divert on Time-zone Arm/Disarm
Option 7 - Divert on DTMF or PC Arm/Disarm
Option 8 - Divert on single button <ARM> or <STAY>
Option 1
Divert Arm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On number (P194E1E) will be dialled when the system is
Armed. The User Code must have call divert assigned at P4E option 7 for it to happen. If a User Code does
not have option 7 on at P4E the call divert number will not be dialled (used for cleaner codes and others
who should not be able to remove the call divert function).
Option 2
Divert on Disarm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert Off number (P194E2E) will be dialled when the
system is Disarmed. The User Code must have call divert assigned at P4E option 7 for it to happen. If a User
Code does not have option 7 on at P4E the call divert number will not be dialled (used for cleaner codes and
others who should not be able to remove the call divert function).
Option 3
Divert on Stay Mode Arm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On number (P194E1E) will be dialled
when the system is Armed in Stay Mode. The User Code Must have call divert assigned at P4E option 7 for it
to happen. If a User Code does not have option 7 on at P4E the call divert number will not be dialled (used
for cleaner codes and others who should not be able to remove the call divert function).
Option 4
Divert on Stay Mode Disarm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert Off number (P194E2E) will be dialled
when the system is Stay Mode Disarmed. The User Code must have call divert assigned at P4E option 7 for it
to happen. If a User Code does not have option 7 on at P4E the call divert number will not be dialled (used
for cleaner codes and others who should not be able to remove the call divert function).
Option 5
Divert on Key-switch Arm/Disarm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On and Off numbers (P194E1E &
2E) will be dialled when the system is Armed or Disarmed with the key-switch.
Option 6
Divert on Time-zone Arm/Disarm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On and Off numbers (P194E1E &
2E) will be dialled when the system is Armed or Disarmed by a Time-zone.
Option 7
Divert on DTMF or PC Arm/Disarm -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On and Off numbers (P194E1E &
2E) will be dialled when the system is Armed or Disarmed by a Remote DTMF code or by a PC connection.
Option 8
Divert on single button <ARM> or <STAY> -
If this option is on then the Call-Divert On number (P194E1E)
will be dialled when the system is Armed with the <ARM> or <STAY> buttons. This option must be selected
if the Call Divert function is required and single button arming is being used.
P193E 1-2E (1 = Divert ON Number, 2 = Divert OFF number)
Option 1 - Spare
Option 5 - Spare
Option 2 - Spare
Option 6 - Spare
Option 3 - Blind Dial
Option 7 - Use the Dial Pre-fix Number
Option 4 - Spare
Option 8 - Spare
Option 3
Blind Dial
- When the dialler makes a divert call it checks for dial tone first. If no dial tone is detected the
panel hangs up and attempts another call. The panel will do this 3 times and if dial tone is still not detected
it will make the call anyway. If blind dial is on, the panel skips the dial tone detection and dials 4 seconds
after looping the line (used where non standard or low level dial tone exists).
Option 7
Use the Dial Pre-fix Number -
If the Divert number does not provide sufficient digits for dialling purposes it
is possible to program a dial pre-fix number (P175E8E). The pre-fix can be dialled before the divert number.
Turning this option on dials the pre-fix first followed by the divert number.
P194E 1-2E (Value 1-16 digits) (1 = Divert ON Number, 2 = Divert OFF number)
The call divert numbers are programmed at this location. They are the numbers that must be dialled to turn the divert On
or Off. Option 1 is the number to turn call divert on and Option 2 is the call divert off number.