Option 8
Pulsed Chime Mode Alarm
- Chime Zones programmed to this output will turn the output on for the
duration of the Chime to Output time period (P41E). If this option is on the output will pulse at the pulse
timer rate (P39E) for the duration of the chime zone to output timer (P41E).
P35E 1-8E
Option 1 - Mains Fail to Output
Option 2 - Fuse Failure to Output
Option 3 - Battery Low to Output
Option 4 - Telephone Line Failure to Output
Option 5 - Supervisory Radio Failure to Output
Option 6 - Sensor-Watch Alarm to Output
Option 7 - System Tamper to Output
Option 8 - Receiver Fail to Output
Option 1
Mains Fail to Output
- This option is used to assign a Mains Fail alarm to an Output.
Option 2
Fuse Failure to Output
- This option is used to assign a Fuse Failure alarm to an Output. The on-board
fuses are thermally activated. If excessive current is drawn from a fuse it will disconnect the power until
the problem is resolved. There are two thermal fuses protecting the various 12v DC outputs.
Option 3
Battery Low to Outpu
t - This option is used to assign a Battery Low alarm to an Output.
Option 4
Telephone Line Failure to Output
- This option is used to assign a Telephone Line Failure alarm to an
Option 5
Supervisory Radio failure to Output
- This option is used to assign a Radio Detector Supervisory Fail
alarm to an Output.
Option 6
Sensor-Watch Alarm to Output
- This option is used to assign a Sensor-Watch alarm to an Output. A
Sensor-Watch alarm occurs when a detector has not operated within a set period of time.
Option 7
System Tamper to Output
- This option is used to assign a panel tamper alarm to an Output.
Option 8
Receiver Fail to Output
- If the receiver fail timer expires (see P25E7E) this option will assign the alarm to
an Output.
P36E 1-8E
Option 1 - Walk-test Pulse to Output
Option 2 - Pulse Output every 5 seconds when Disarmed
Option 3 - Pulse Output on Kiss-off Following Arming
Option 4 - Pulse Output on Kiss-off Following a Zone Alarm
Option 1
Walk-test Pulse to Outpu
t - When the panel is in Walk-test Mode, this option assigns a pulse to the
Output every time a zone is triggered. The pulse is linked to the Output Pulse time (P39E).
Option 2
Pulse Output every 5 seconds when Disarmed
- This option will cause the Output to pulse every 5
seconds when the panel is disarmed. The pulse time is linked to the Output Pulse time (P39E).
Option 3
Pulse Output on Kiss-off Following Arming
- This option will cause the Output to pulse for 2 seconds
when the panel is armed and the message has been kissed off by the monitoring company. The pulse
time is linked to the Output Pulse time (P39E) which is defaulted to 2 seconds.
Option 4
Pulse Output on Kiss-off Following a Zone Alarm
- This option will cause the Output to pulse for 2
seconds when a zone has gone into alarm and has been kissed off by the monitoring company. The zone
must have with option 7 turned ON at P124E. The pulse time is linked to the Output Pulse time (P39E)
which is defaulted to 2 seconds.
P37E 1-8E
Option 1 - Siren Driver to Output (applies to O/P 1&2 only, requires an 8